Tag: long

Stargazing Activities Should be Made Accessible to Urban Communities to Increase Well-being

COVID made us all aware that sitting inside, disconnected from each other and from nature, is not a way to live. Even without COVID, urban environments can feel devoid of nature, which negatively impacts well-being. City-dwellers need diverse, compelling opportunities that increase nature-connectedness. For a comprehensive plan, effective alternatives to green spaces are needed. Neighborhood stargazing parties could be an alternative to visiting a park or taking a hike.

Record-breaking results from leading fusion power experiment highlight overpromised goals of next-generation fusion project

In the quest for clean, sustainable nuclear energy, fusion has been regarded as the power of the future for the human race. Recent good news has come out of the most pivotal prototype reactor, but fusion is still too good to be true. Experiments set to come online in 2025 are still being misrepresented in the media and mislead the public about the capabilities of the experiment.